
Archive for October, 2008

3 Train

October 24, 2008 Leave a comment

After having ridden the 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, A, B, C, D, F, G, J, L, M, N, R, and Q (sorry 6, V and Z trains, haven't had the pleasure yet) trains, I can say the 3 train is the absolute worst in NYC, specifically Brooklyn – and it happens to be right next to my apartment. This is confirmed when strangers ask what train I use to get home and a look of pity comes across their face as I reply. Am I a New Yorker now that I can name all the trains off the top of my head? I'm pretty sure you are only qualified once you know the bus lines.

Categories: Subway

Funny Subway Activities

October 3, 2008 Leave a comment

If you're ever on an especially long train ride and forget to bring reading material do your best to find someone else with a newspaper/book and read over their shoulder. It's especially fun to watch other riders do this, they all have the same posture, leaned back slightly, eyes down and in the corner, mouth slightly puckered as if to say "what? I'm not doing anything…"

On a side note of not-so-fun subway activities: old jewish guys that don't give a damn and will plop down right between you and the 300lb lady a seat away, coat tails landing in your lap, and leaving them there for you to move or ignore.

Categories: Subway